Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s unique about 260BEARD?

Everything is unique about 260BEARD.

Our beard oil isn't your usual mix – it's a unique blend with rare and non-comedogenic ingredients, making your grooming routine one of a kind. Your beard will thank you! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Why is the comedogenic rating important for beard oils?

Comedogenic rating, on a scale from 0 to 5, indicates the likelihood of a substance clogging pores and causing acne.
Products with lower ratings are considered safer for those prone to both acne and clogged pores, making them suitable for individuals with both dry and oily skin.
Our beard oils contain non-comedogenic oils, ensuring they won't clog pores and cause acne.

Are 260BEARD products suitable for all hair & skin types?

Yes! Our products are carefully handcrafted to work for all hair & skin types.

Are 260BEARD products vegan & cruelty-free?

Yes! Our products are vegan friendly & cruelty-free, we do not test on animals.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes we do ship worldwide, Free Shipping on orders over £50. Please refer to our Shipping Policy.